Support the CAMP CANIQUE Group of Companies and Support Organizations Website Development Program of APIHEP ONLINE* The Asia Pacific International Health Education Program of Global Frontiers Institute - A community outreach of CLUB YELLOW TOPS - The Internet Computer Club of Global Frontiers Institute for the advancement of PROJECT TAPACAN The Threefold Action Program Against Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Narcotics a.k.a. (also known as) The Thirteen Assessment Pointers and Certification Activities Needed for excellence in education and community development and for total community involvement in a health and wellness promotion for lifestyle enrichment and human resource development and for the prevention and control of cigarette-smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic abuse, and all the negative socio-economic and psychological impact of THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC toward a cultural adoption of a new normal education system integrated with J2E - The Journey to Excellence Curriculum and Integration of Faith, Values, and Learning (IFVL) progressive classes for open, blended, and accelerated K-12 Education and lifelong learning.
APIHEP ONLINE* - The Asia Pacific International Health Education Program of Global Frontiers Institute is a community outreach of CLUB YELLOW TOPS - The Internet Computer Club of Global Frontiers Institute ( hosted and administered online as a personal, private, voluntary Internet Communication Research and Development Project (ICRDP) of:
Founding Director: Global Frontiers Institute
Center for Excellence in Education and Community Development
Founder/Owner: SLA ONLINE - The Streams of Light Academy of Global Frontiers Institute,
Founding Director: Global Frontiers Institute
Center for Excellence in Education and Community Development
Founder/Owner: SLA ONLINE - The Streams of Light Academy of Global Frontiers Institute,
POAGFI ONLINE - The Philippine Outdoor Academy of Global Frontiers Institute, and
ECS300 OPEN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - The organization of accredited schools,
colleges, and universities network of Global Frontiers Institute
Thank you very much for your support.
Sincerely yours,
ECS300 OPEN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - The organization of accredited schools,
colleges, and universities network of Global Frontiers Institute
Thank you very much for your support.
Sincerely yours,
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